This is Me!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week One: Blogging

Hi! I'm Maribeth and I am the the Assistant Director at Pottawatoime Wabausnee Regional Library We have 8 locations: 4 Branches (Alma, Eskridge, Onaga, and St. Marys) and 4 Minis (Alta Vista, Harveyville, Olsburg and Westmoreland). Our minis are only open 1 or 2 days a week and replaced our bookmobile.

I have always wanted to try blogging, but never felt like I had anything to say. This is a great opportunity to give it a try!

I can't say that I've had any breakthroughs or failures, yet, with blogging. Give me a week, and I'll let you know! But I hope that with each post, I can learn how to make my blog more interesting to others. I would like to be able to add more photos and links.


  1. Hi Maribeth! It's great to see what you're up to, too.
    BTW, when I tried to get to your blog from the link on the 23 Things Kansas site, it wouldn't let me. I don't know if other people are having the same problem, but I just took the "s" out of the "https://..." at the beginning of the address, and then it worked.
    Can't wait to read more!

  2. Hey saw on facebook that you had a blog, so I came & checked it out. I added your blog to my google page.

    : )

  3. I did notice the error on the participant list and it should now be corrected. That's what I get for cutting and pasting and not proofreading! Whoops!
